This design set uses this color palette. To edit, go to Manage > Settings > Global Styles> Colors
This design set uses the standard CSS for headings, To update the headings, go to Manage > Stylesheet > Typography
This is a paragraph. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi bibendum ipsum est, at auctor quam eleifend sed. Mauris purus mauris, malesuada eget interdum quis, euismod quis augue. Cras auctor lacus ut arcu rhoncus, vitae egestas risus condimentum. Nullam id molestie erat. Aliquam et risus a nisl ultrices varius. Pellentesque vitae consequat ante. In nec nunc in ligula semper venenatis. Donec eu est sapien. Ut imperdiet mollis risus id commodo. Praesent suscipit sapien ut scelerisque pulvinar. Aenean mollis, ligula vel ullamcorper cursus, risus dolor interdum eros, non vehicula nisi nunc et felis.
This design only uses the following font families and font weights. To edit, go to Manage > Settings > Global Styles> Fonts
Display Font: Raleway (used for headings)
Enabled font weights: regular, 700, 900
Text Font: Nunito (used for paragraphs & blurbs)
Enabled font weights & styles: regular, italic, 700, 700 italic
use case dark & light background section
use case light background section
**boder radius used for boxes (10px)
use case pre-header
use case highlight-heading
use case dark background section
- h2
- paragraph text enlarged
- dynamic service divs using parent page id to populate the data
Auctor cursus egestas sapien, eget. Ac orci amet, massa, aliquet massa scelerisque ipsum pellentesque.
- h2
- paragraph text enlarged
- dynamic location divs using parent page id to populate the data
- map using custom fields (if section is needed, ACF must be set accordingly kindly ask export file from manager)
Auctor cursus egestas sapien, eget. Ac orci amet, massa, aliquet massa scelerisque ipsum pellentesque.
- h2
- 4 col div with team member image, name & position each
Curabitur ac ex quis lacus
Curabitur ac ex quis lacus
Curabitur ac ex quis lacus
Curabitur ac ex quis lacus
- 4 col stat boxes
- static stat h3
- paragraph text stat label
Years of Experience
Amazing employees
Hours of maintenance
Projects done
- section with background image
- h1 with page title dynamically pulled from post/page
- h2
- paragraph text enlarged
- 3 col div with icon, testimonial message, star rating and customer name
- CTA button linked to google reviews or testimonial page
Eat imagine you chiefly few facts complete. Be visitor females upsell inquiry. Latter law remark two.
Of recommend residence education be on difficult repulsive offending. Judge views.
Of recommend residence education be on difficult repulsive offending. Judge views.
Of recommend residence education be on difficult repulsive offending. Judge views.
Use Case: Single Blog Post Template
- CSS Code for styling content from default editor
- Date (dynamic)
- Fallback Image if Featured image is blank (**delete if not needed or add a new fallback image from site media library)
- Featured Image Dynamically pulled from post
- Post Content Dynamically pulled from default editor
- Sticky Sidebar Section
- Negative Margin to overlap page title section
February 8, 2022
This is content from the default editor
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
Use Case: Can add to any inner page that is not using a template
- h2
- paragraph text enlarged
Auctor cursus egestas sapien, eget. Ac orci amet, massa, aliquet massa scelerisque ipsum pellentesque.
Use Case: Can add to any inner page that is not using a template
- image
- h2
- paragraph text
- 2 buttons
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc feugiat, sem vitae iaculis semper, justo risus pharetra dui, at lacinia leo erat vitae est. Donec nec turpis enim. Nunc nec magna ac lacus pellentesque euismod. Praesent sapien turpis, tincidunt ac leo sit amet, pharetra fringilla ex. Fusce fringilla pulvinar tellus, ut fringilla tortor euismod nec. Aliquam in interdum nunc. Praesent congue facilisis sem. Nulla elementum orci libero, sed congue mauris ultricies sed. Aliquam nec quam neque. Aliquam diam eros, porttitor feugiat urna ut, vestibulum iaculis felis.
Use Case: Can add to FAQs page or to any inner page or template
- image div
- h2
- paragraph text
- accordions
Malesuada velit et ut malesuada amet tempor velit dui. Nullam amet commodo gravida gravida.
Use Case: Can add to any inner page or template
- section with background image with overlay
- pre-heading
- h2
- cta button
Use Case: Added as a hero section
- 2 column section
- div with background image
- contact form shortcode
- pre-heading
- h1
- cta button
- cta button with image and phone number
Use Case: Featured in the homepage
- 3 column service divs that can be linked to the individual service page
- section with background image
- contact form shortcode
- h2
- paragraph text enlarged
- cta button
- text link
Praesent efficitur ornare elit et auctor.
Praesent efficitur ornare elit et auctor.
Praesent efficitur ornare elit et auctor.
Massa euismod laoreet faucibus cras non amet.
Use Case: Featured in the homepage
- 3 columns
- h2
- paragraph text
- cta button for about page
- 2 USP feature divs with paragaph heading & curved separator each
Pharetra sit pellentesque pellentesque pharetra viverra tempus quisque.
Unique Selling Point 1
Unique Selling Point 2